Core values help guide our behavior and actions.  We believe that Jesus’ values could easily be recognized by what he spent the majority of his time teaching and doing.  Our core values as a church are:

Enduring Passion

Our passion is relentless, unwavering, consistent. Some people might see us and say that our devotion and zeal for Jesus won’t last. But we know that God’s love for us is everlasting and His love fuels our passion without end. Passion speaks about love for God and His purposes. He has consumed us and every day is to be lived in the knowledge of the love of God.

Selfless Love

We love without thought of selfish gain. It stopped being about us when we accepted Jesus. We died to self so Jesus could love through us. We love both God & people this way. This is at the heart of what it means to be a spiritual father and mother. It is sacrificial and in service to others.

Wholehearted Commitment

We’re all in. We don’t look to the right or to the left searching for another option. There are no other options apart from Jesus. It’s not hollow when we follow through in the hard times because we made a commitment.  It is our pleasure. With all that we are we say, “It is an honor to follow you, Jesus!” We are committed to His purposes and to those he has placed around us. God has set us in a family and it’s not something we take lightly. We are committed to the body. We are a part of something bigger then ourselves and we realize that our actions affect each other.

Courageous Generosity

Generosity is about giving.  Giving time, money, energy, and our lives.  God might call us to give our selves to our neighborhood or a nation we’ve never heard of. In all things we are those who give freely and readily; always looking for opportunities to give and sow into the Kingdom. We give with courage. We give when it feels risky. We do it afraid, if we have to. If God calls us to give our lives to his purposes, courage leads our hearts and keeps fear at bay, so faith, hope, and joy will be our constant companions on the journey.

Intentional Empowerment

“Intentional” speaks to the quality of what we do. Its not something we just throw out there hoping that everything works out.  It’s thought through, it’s planned, it’s structured, and we take it seriously. “Empowerment” encompasses all that we want to do in ministry.  We want to develop, mature, encourage, strengthen, and release people into everything God has for them. It is also an inclusive word. No matter how far along you are on your journey with God you can always use more empowering.