Contact Info
608 E. Drake Rd.
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Sunday Service Time
10AM & Available Online
View email directory
Office Hours
Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm
Offices Closed on Fridays
(Please choose The Wells Project from the drop-down “fund” menu.)
Over the last eight years, God has used Antioch Community Church in Fort Collins to accomplish His purposes both in our city, this nation and multiple nations around the world. As we look towards the future, we believe God has spoken that it is time for our church to move into a permanent building.
Throughout the life of our community, we have met at seven different locations for our Sunday service and countless other locations for the different events and activities over the years. As we have sought God’s guidance over a permanent home for our church, we feel like God has said that this building will be like a well. It will be where people gather to receive life. It will be a place where people meet Jesus, just like the story in the Gospels of the woman at the well. It will be a home to invite, train, equip, and send people to the nations so the gospel can continue to go forth.
I hope you will join us on our journey with God, so we can all be engaged and a part of our family coming home. We are calling this initiative The Wells Project. I invite you to be a part of expressing courageous generosity and of seeing God do above and beyond what we could ask, think or imagine in the coming days.
Chris Mirabito
Lead Pastor
“From there he went up to Beersheba. And the Lord appeared to him the same night and said, “I am the God of Abraham your father. Fear not, for I am with you and will bless you and multiply your offspring for my servant Abraham’s sake. So he built an altar there and called upon the name of the Lord and pitched his tent there. And there Isaac’s servants dug a well.”
– Genesis 26:23-25
A People of Enduring Passion…
…of Selfless Love
…of Wholehearted Commitment
…of Courageous Generosity
…of Intentional Empowerment
As an Antioch family, we are focused on following God, partnering with what He’s doing in our city, and always believing He has even more in store for us.
Still, being a mobile church hasn’t always been easy. He’s taken us to seven different locations, and we’re reaching the limits of what we can accomplish as a mobile church.
The Wells Project isn’t about a building, because a building isn’t a home. God is our home. This family is our home.
It isn’t just about us either, because God has bigger plans for our city and the world.
We are looking for 3 kinds of wins through The Wells Project:
A Place to Raise Our Kids’ Capacity To Do More
A Win for Those We Haven’t Met Yet
A Home Of Our Own Is a Bigger Launching Pad To the Nations
A 2 Year Project
Raising $500,000
As A Special Offering
Making Equal Sacrifice
Together As A Family
Antioch Community Church is a Non-Profit – 501c3 – Organization. All gifts are given to Antioch Community Church with the understanding that the board has full control over the final distribution of those gifts. Gifts toward specific projects or ministries will be honored unless the project is fully funded or significantly altered. Then, the board will direct the gift to a similar project or to the area of greatest need.