Contact Info
608 E. Drake Rd.
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Sunday Service Time
10AM & Available Online
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Office Hours
Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm
Offices Closed on Fridays
Whenever we find ourselves struggling, we often commit to regular church attendance, prayer and Bible study. These practices are all good and play a part in receiving breakthrough, but many of us drift away from these practices over time. However, the desire for going deeper with God practiced alongside other believers can propel each one of us in our walk with God. Countless people have experienced significant spiritual growth when they commit to a breakthrough journey with other believers.
We are committed to both corporate and house-to-house gathering. Throughout these 40 Days of Breakthrough, everyone is invited into this powerful, life-changing experience by:
Whether you have been with us from the beginning or if you are just jumping in, you can find every resource for 40 Days of Breakthrough below!
Click the button for your booklet. Print it out, fill it in, and work through the booklet with a group of friends!
We encourage you to jump in and read Rick and Diane Bewsher’s book, “Wholehearted! Tending Your Heart through Being Discipled by Jesus.” They focus on how to cultivate a lifestyle of connecting with Jesus and experiencing ongoing transformation. This is a great resource for not only this series but for life, and we definitely encourage you to order a copy!
How do you find breakthrough? For the kickoff of our series, we’re diving into the five P’s of breakthrough: prayer, promise, people, personal change and praise. Each of these is a key in positioning ourselves and our hearts before God. None of them are meant to be a sole solution, but as we grow in our relationship with God, we see Him work on our behalf.
Throughout these 40 days, we are following along with people as they seek breakthrough in different areas of their lives. Our hope is that these stories encourage you and remind you that you are part of a community of people believing to see God move in and through their lives. Watch the stories during Sunday services and continue to follow along throughout the series!
We encourage you to attend Sunday service each week for a new topical sermon. All sermons will be available online each week to catch up if you miss them. The sermons lay the groundwork for everything our Life Groups dive into during the week.
Make sure to follow along with the videos for your Life Group, answering the fill-in-the-blanks in your booklet. These videos are the heart of 40 Days of Breakthrough, diving deeper into the topics covered on Sunday mornings.