ATS Epistles Project.
Hi Church! I hope this finds you well. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be posting some epistles written to the church from our very own ATS crew. An epistle is basically a poem or other literary work in the form of a letter. Paul wrote a lot of these in the New Testament to build up and encourage the church. So as a class prompt, we practiced writing our very own letters for the building up of the body. I hope these leave you encouraged, challenged and maybe a little more connected to what God is doing in ATS. Last but not least the prompt for these letters was the following:
“Imagine that you, like Paul, were imprisoned for your faith. What would you want your last words to the church to be? If you can leave the church with one thing to encourage them to follow the Lord, what would that be? Write a short 1 page epistle (letter) to the church.”