Contact Info
608 E. Drake Rd.
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Sunday Service Time
10AM & Available Online
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Office Hours
Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm
Offices Closed on Fridays
No, really, we want to know! In an effort to serve you well, we’ve crafted a short survey to hear how you’re doing and how we’re doing in this challenging season. Please take 3-5 minutes today to complete the survey by clicking on the image below.
In place of our normal prayer time at noon, this Friday we’ll celebrate with a special family-friendly prayer experience – reflecting on Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross, taking communion together and engaging in interactive prayer moments. Join us live at noon on YouTube or Instagram or participate later in the day by watching the recording on YouTube.
Plan to spend your Easter Sunday celebrating the good news of Jesus with Antioch churches across the US and around the world! Engage with us as we join the Antioch Movement-Wide Easter Service hosted by Antioch Waco via livestream this Sunday, April 12th, at 8am, 10am, 4pm, and 6pm MST.
Starting tonight, our Food Pantry is open every Wednesday, 5:30-7:30pm. Help out by choosing one of the options below:
608 E. Drake Rd.
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Sunday Service Time
10AM & Available Online
View email directory
Office Hours
Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm
Offices Closed on Fridays