Contact Info
608 E. Drake Rd.
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Sunday Service Time
10AM & Available Online
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Office Hours
Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm
Offices Closed on Fridays
Do we have some great opportunities for you! Beginning this Wednesday our food pantry will be open every Wednesday, 5:30 to 7:30pm (note the new time frame). Additionally, starting this week, on Wednesdays and Fridays we will be delivering food to those in need who are confined to their homes.
How can you help? So glad you asked!
Good Friday prayer experience
This Friday at noon we will be live streaming a Good Friday prayer experience on YouTube and Instagram. It will be an opportunity to engage and reflect on the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. If you can’t join us live at noon, that’s okay – watch when it’s convenient for you! The prayer experience will be available afterwards here on YouTube.
Have plans for Easter? We do!
Where two or three are gathered… but what about thousands?! Make plans now to spend your Easter Sunday celebrating the good news of Jesus with Antioch churches across the US and around the world! Engage with us as we join the Antioch Movement-Wide Easter Service hosted by Antioch Waco via livestream on April 12th at 8am, 10am, 4pm, and 6pm MST. Experience the excitement of worshipping with a crowd with none of the hassle! Comfy clothes, up-close seats and volume-control, anyone?
Don’t forget!
You can join us each weekday for prayer and worship from noon to 1pm, live-streamed on YouTube and Instagram.
608 E. Drake Rd.
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Sunday Service Time
10AM & Available Online
View email directory
Office Hours
Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm
Offices Closed on Fridays