Contact Info
608 E. Drake Rd.
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Sunday Service Time
10AM & Available Online
View email directory
Office Hours
Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm
Offices Closed on Fridays
This is what the Lord says: “Let not the wise boast of their wisdom or the strong boast of their strength or the rich boast of their riches, but let the one who boasts boast about this: that they have the understanding to know me, that I am the Lord, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight,” declares the Lord. Jeremiah 9:23-24
Where two or three are gathered… but what about thousands?! Make plans now to spend your Easter Sunday celebrating the good news of Jesus with Antioch churches across the US and around the world! Engage with us as we join the Antioch Movement-Wide Easter Service hosted by Antioch Waco via livestream on April 12th at 8am, 10am, 4pm, and 6pm MST. Experience the excitement of worshipping with a crowd with none of the hassle! Comfy clothes, up-close seats and volume-control, anyone?
Antioch Training School is a life-changing experience for students of any age, background, vocation or season of life. A place to experience radical transformation and find clarity for a lifetime of following Jesus, ATS teaches people to love God and love others. With a focus on the Word of God, applying the Word and teachings to our daily lives, and developing character, ATS curriculum covers topics such as the Character of God, Personal Wholeness, Biblical Worldview, Great Commission Mindset, Healthy Relationships, and Life Skills.
Interested in attending ATS this fall? Click here to find out more and access an application for Day or Night schools.
Join our Sunday Service online this week!
So many of us are having to reschedule, change, or cancel things in our life. All of this can be discouraging and disappointing. This Sunday, Blair Mirabito is sharing on dealing with disappointment. Don’t miss it! You can find a link to our Sunday Service on our homepage at
Interested in seeing what’s happening around our church and staying connected with our leaders? Check out @antiochyouthfc and @pastorrobbray on Instagram and
Also, join us each weekday for prayer and worship from noon to 1pm, live-streamed on YouTube here and Instagram here.
608 E. Drake Rd.
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Sunday Service Time
10AM & Available Online
View email directory
Office Hours
Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm
Offices Closed on Fridays