Antioch is a global family of churches committed to Jesus and His purposes. We value encountering God, life-on-life discipleship and missions through the local church. We are reaching the nations through church-planting and discipleship movements.

Learn More about the Antioch Movement

Antioch’s ministry philosophy is based on the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. We express this in three core ministry values: encountering God, life-on-life discipleship and mission through the local church. Each of our local churches is committed to growing deeper and wider in these three values.

Encountering God references our value for helping individuals come face to face with Jesus. Whether this be through Sunday services, personal evangelism, prayer ministry or personal devotional times, we believe this is what people truly need. They need to encounter Jesus, the Father and the Holy Spirit. Not just once, but over and over again. We are committed to bringing people into those kinds of encounters however we can. We look for ways to get ourselves out of the way and get people into God’s presence.

Discipleship means life-on-life relationships, where individuals help each other grow closer to God. This can happen one-on-one, like in a marriage, mentorship or friendship, or in community oriented groups like Lifegroups or groups of two and three. We believe that lasting transformation happens when we do discipleship in intentional, encouraging, challenging and accountable community environments. We look for ways to make this happen.

Mission is our commitment to reach out to our cities, our nation and the nations of the earth. We believe the church is called to empower every single person to live on mission in their unique sphere of influence. We believe the church is the frontline for fulfilling the Great Commission and seek to train and send people to plant churches in our nation and among those unreached with the gospel around the world.

Watch the Movement Film