Austin Hoxie, Blair Mirabito, Chris Mirabito, Wes Longacre and Robyn Hoxie
In the summer of 2010, Chris and Blair, alongside a group of amazing friends started Antioch Church Fort Collins. Their journey in church planting started after graduating from college at Baylor University when they were introduced to Antioch Community Church in Waco, Texas. Both being raised in Christian homes, their relationship with God took a significant leap forward after encountering this group of college students at Antioch. The more they learned to interact with God through the Holy Spirit, His word and His people, they were transformed. And they were in love. Both with each other and with now with God. So, fast-forward, they graduated from Baylor, got married, attended the Antioch Training School, sold all that they had, and moved to plant churches in North Africa. After living there for several years, learning the language, discipling a budding church, and starting their family, they felt clearly called by God to come back to the States and plant an Antioch church in Colorado. Now, with thankful hearts and a full house including their three kids, Jakin, Boaz and Bella, they call Fort Collins home.
College Pastor & Young Adults Pastor
Worship Pastor & Facilities Manager
Life Group Pastor
Kids Ministry Pastor
Youth Pastor & Communications Coordinator
Executive Director
Accountant & Media Coordinator
Missions Coordinator & ATS Admin