Contact Info
608 E. Drake Rd.
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Sunday Service Time
10AM & Available Online
View email directory
Office Hours
Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm
Offices Closed on Fridays
Antioch Ministries International (AMI) has planted more than 100 churches around the world. Antioch Fort Collins currently has teams in 3 continents with others preparing to depart in 2020. Based on our vision and experience, the Church-Planting School provides biblical teaching and practical training for teams that want to be sent to the mission field with Antioch. If you haven’t been through the Antioch Training School, you’ll need to start there, as it is a prerequisite for the Church-Planting School.
If you’re interested in learning more or applying to the Antioch Planting School please email . The school is designed to be experienced with your teammates that you will be planting with. It is a ten week curriculum that can be facilitated in several ways! Empowering you to understand the dynamics of building movements, culture, and healthy team life. This is your onramp to the nations hope to see you there!